Saturday, May 11, 2013

Vegan Pesto

Quick and Easy Vegan Pesto 
makes about 1 cup

2 c. Fresh Herbs/Greens - I like to either do all basil or do basil and spinach
1/2 c. Walnuts or Pine Nuts
2 Cloves Garlic
1/4 c. Olive Oil
Salt to taste
Nutritional Yeast to taste (optional for a cheesy flavor)

Add herbs/greens, nuts and garlic to food processor. Process until it is well mixed. Add olive oil in a steady drizzle as you run your food processor until it becomes a smooth paste. Season with salt to taste.
Refrigerate for at least an hour before use for the flavors to develop.

See for the original recipe posting, as well as other herb options.

1 comment:

  1. I just made this two minutes ago, and I must say as mt first attempt at anything not microwavable, it came out pretty freakin' good. Thank you so much!
